You want to be rewarded for your hard work.

You’ve taken various training programs, joined groups, and maybe you’ve even hired consultants, but they didn’t help. You know that your business needs is struggling, but you don’t know how to fix your problems. You feel that if you’re going to get help, you deserve a company that delivers results.

We’ve heard these same problems from our clients in over 30 industries, for over a decade.  Our clients are like you - professionals, franchisees and entrepreneurs. So, how have we mentored them to achieve greater business results? We start with one focused, highly effective tool.

Do You Know What’s Wrong With Your Business?

If we asked you to identify what’s really wrong with your business, would you know?  Few business owners do. That’s because you lack one vital number. That’s why we created our insightful business tool we call - What’s Your Number? It gives you a ‘number’ on how strong or weak your business is. This unique tool also benchmarks your business in 6 key areas. That’s vitally important because if those areas are not strong, no matter how hard you work, you’ll never be rewarded for your efforts. Imagine - how helpful it would be to know your ‘number’?

Do You Want To Know Your Number?

When our clients learn their number for the first time, they’re shocked. They’re surprised. They’re also relieved, as they finally know their ‘number’ and why they’re not being rewarded for their hard work. Would you like to know your ‘number’?

Your Strategic Plan

Once we both know how strong or weak your business is,we introduce you to a powerful idea – planning. With our business mentoring, you’ll create a strategic plan. It’s not overwhelming or too fancy. It’s a plan that will help your business be significantly more successful. It’ll help you to focus. You’ll get better at prioritizing. You’ll learn how to implement your ideas instead of letting them linger.

Success Strategies

In addition to helping you create your plan, we’ve discovered that highly successful people like to learn. That’s why we designed 12 Success Strategies that we’ll teach you. These aren’t the typical strategies you’ve heard before. They’ve been designed based on best practices from over 30 industries, that you’ll apply directly to your business to have greater success.

One-2-One Mentoring 

As you’re learning new strategies, you’ll also have one-2-one mentoring. This is very important. Why? It will ensure you’re applying all the new creative ideas you’re learning.Your mentoring will be laser focused on your situation. We might, for example, discuss how to capitalize on opportunities. How to overcome challenges. How to deal with team members. This mentoring will keep you focused, accountable and help you maintain your momentum.

caret-down caret-up caret-left caret-right

A few years ago, I bought the business where I use to be an employee. I knew I could make the business successful again, as it had lost its way. I also knew that I would need some outside mentoring, as I had blind spots and preconceived notions moving back into my old company. Results Driven has been exactly what I was searching for. Their consulting style, tools, and proven systems have made a significant impact on me and our business. Over the last few years I’m evolving into more of a CEO – as they like to call it. I feel great, and our business is great.

We’ll Help You To Avoid Struggling

As a business professional, we know how easy it is to struggle. You have blind spots that regularly creep into your business. Often, it’s difficult to know what to do next. It’s frustrating to work in situations where you’re not appreciated, and with clients that are difficult. Too many business owners continue to struggle, while falsely thinking, one day it’s going to change or get better. Rarely does that happen. We’re going to help you to avoid this struggle. Below is a list of colleagues in a variety of industries that are no longer struggling because of our business mentoring.

  • Medical professionals
  • CPA’s
  • Attorneys
  • Franchisees
  • Tech companies
  • Service-based companies
  • Financial Advisors
  • Dental Labs
  • Retail
  • Consultants
  • Real-estate agents
  • Manufacturers
  • Architects
  • Landscape Architects
  • Landscapers
  • Denturists
  • HVAC
  • E-Commerce
  • Social Media
  • Importing
  • Environmental
  • Web Development
  • Disaster Clean Up
  • Optical
  • Optometry
  • Food Service
  • Logistics
  • Warehousing

Your Transformation

With our business mentoring,you’re going to notice a transformation – very quickly. There will be a transformation in you and a transformation in your business. You’ll receive the help you need. You’ll identify and resolve your issues. You no longer will feel trapped on the treadmill of day-2-day activities. You’ll be more focused. You’ll have created your written plan for the future of your business. You’llhave a rewarding future, that also includes more free time.

Do You Want To Know Your Number?

As you’ve read by now, you’re not being rewarded for your hard work. You don’t need to struggle. You don’t need to feel overwhelmed. Our unique and insightful business tool will help you to know why your business is having issues. Would you like to know your ‘number’?